Tax Consulting & Preparation Services

Navigating Tax Complexity

At Oakmont Tax, we understand how complex and time-consuming taxes can be. Whether you need assistance with tax preparation, consulting services, or addressing any other tax-related issues, we have the expertise to guide you effectively. Our personalized approach ensures that we understand your specific goals and tailor our strategies accordingly. With Oakmont Tax by your side, you rely on us to handle your tax affairs while you concentrate on what matters most in your life or business.

Our Services

  • Our CPA-led tax preparation services provide meticulous attention to detail and expert knowledge to ensure you maximize your tax savings while staying compliant with the latest tax laws.

  • Count on our expertise to create a customized tax strategy that aligns with your long-term objectives and helps you achieve financial success.

  • Our services encompass state and local tax solutions, benefiting individuals and businesses alike. Through continuous monitoring of policies, regulations, and taxation trends, we excel in minimizing your tax liability while ensuring full compliance with tax laws.

  • Our tax notice resolution services are designed to effectively address IRS and state tax agency notices, offering expert guidance to resolve issues and alleviate the stress of tax disputes. With our experience handling thousands of notices, you can trust us to negotiate with tax authorities, explore available solutions, correct your tax account and work towards a favorable resolution

  • Don’t know what type of entity your business should be? Oakmont Tax can help you analyze and make a decision on which tax classification would be most advantageous to your business’s bottom line.


High Net-Worth Individuals

Drawing upon years of expertise, Oakmont Tax is highly skilled in addressing the distinct complexities of high-net-worth financial matters. We offer customized solutions, confidential guidance, and forward-thinking strategies to assist you in optimizing your wealth and reducing tax burdens, regardless of your location.

Small & Medium Sized Businesses

While tax preparation may not be enjoyable for anyone, the intricacies of small business taxes can become particularly complex. Allow our team to manage the intricacies on your behalf, freeing up your valuable time to focus on other priorities.

Real Estate Investors

Whether you’re a broker with an entire office or just have a few personal rental properties, look no further to handle your tax situation than Oakmont Tax. With extensive expertise in rentals, sales, depreciation, 1031 exchanges, and more, we can help you keep more of what you make.

Professional Services Firms

Even attorneys and consultants find dealing with the IRS undesirable and undesireable. Allow us to handle your firm’s income tax matters to help you steer clear of penalties, fines, and time-consuming audits, preserving your time and effort for your clients.


Have you reached a point in your financial life where your ‘simple’ return has gotten way more complex than you ever thought it would be? Ditch the at-home software that lacks the in-depth analysis and expertise your tax situation deserves.

Doctors & Medical professionals

Medical professionals are well compensated for their selfless dedication to helping others, but with that comes a myriad of financial and tax challenges throughout their careers.  Let Oakmont Tax help you structure your financial picture and long-term tax liabilities in the most efficient manner possible.

Get in touch.